4XFEST Jeep trail riding event April 4th – 6th, 2025. Bring your Jeep (or other trail rig) for a weekend of trails and rockcrawling action. Sign up for guided rides from stock friendly cruise, to a tour of some of the best rock trails the southeast has to offer.

Sign-up for Guided Trails below!

Special events:
Guided trail rides in partnership with MidSouth Jeep Club
Celebrity guides (to be announced later!)
Open Trail riding
Open obstacle course to test your skills
Scavenger hunt in partnership with CartoTracks maps
Show n Grind (like show n shine) during trail line-up. Prizes TBD.

Once you submit the form below, you will be assigned a trail group via e-mail before the event. You will use this number for line-up Saturday morning after park entry. Please note once groups have been made your trail list will be provided via email. Group changes may be made at any time.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please enter street, city, state, and zip
Trail difficulty preference
You will be assigned a trail group via e-mail before the event. You will use this number for line-up Saturday morning after park entry. Please note once groups have been made your trail list will be provided via email. Group changes may be made at any time.
Personality Test (trails)